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Graduate students Martin Nisser and Marisa Gaetz co-founded Brave Behind Bars, a program designed to provide incarcerated individuals with coding and digital literacy skills to better prepare them for life after prison, reports Morgan Radford for MSNBC. Computers and coding skills “are really kind of paramount for fostering success in the modern workplace,” says Nisser.


MIT has been ranked among the top employers for women in 2023, according to Forbes and Statista, reports Rachel Rabkin Peachman for Forbes. “The ranking derives primarily from surveys of more than 60,000 workers at companies with at least 1,000 employees,” writes Peachman.


Prof. Regina Barzilay speaks with Nicole Estephan of WCVB-TV’s Chronicle about her work developing new AI systems that could be used to help diagnose breast and lung cancer before the cancers are detectable to the human eye.


Meghan Maupin MS ’18 has been named CEO of OurX, a Black hair care company that “taps into six years of research and data mining to create hair regimens and education for the scalp and tightly textured hair,” reports Christine Hall for TechCrunch.


Researchers from MIT have found that “although women received higher performance ratings than their male colleagues, they received 8.3% lower ratings for potential than men,” reports Caroline Castrillon for Forbes. “Because those ratings strongly predict promotions, female employees were 14% less likely to be promoted than male ones,” writes Castrillon.


Research from MIT and elsewhere have developed a mobile app that uses computer-vision techniques and AI to detect post-surgery signs of infection as part of an effort to help community workers in Kirehe, a district in Rwanda’s Eastern province, reports Shefali Malhotra for Science. “The researchers are now improving the app so it can be used across more diverse populations such as in Ghana and parts of South America,” writes Malhotra.


Prof. John Gabrieli speaks with GBH host Jeremy Siegel about his research showing that standard autism diagnostic tests often prevent women and girls from receiving proper diagnosis and proper treatment. “It’s only in recent years that we've understood that autism can be expressed quite differently in females,” says Gabrieli. “And we need to know that so they get the right kind of help.”

The Washington Post

“The Sun Queen,” a new documentary on PBS, will highlight the life of the late former MIT Prof. Mária Telkes and her work in developing solar energy. Telkes is known for her “work on the 1948 Dover Sun House, a solar-heated model home created by an all-female team,” reports Erin Blakemore for The Washington Post.


Aagya Mathur MBA ’18 co-founded Aavia, a daily ovarian hormone health guide, reports Matt Symonds for Forbes. “We started Aavia to give young people tools to understand how their hormones impact how they feel,” Mathur explains.


Researchers at MIT developed a system that uses artificial intelligence to help predict future risk of developing breast cancer, reports Poppy Harlow for CNN. What this work does “is identifies risk. It can tell a woman that you’re at high risk for developing breast cancer before you develop breast cancer,” says Larry Norton, medical director of the Lauder Breast Center at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.


Lucy Jones PhD ’81 speaks with CBS reporter Danya Bacchus about her career in seismology, how she helped transform earthquake policy and her work creating the Great ShakeOut, drills aimed at helping people prepare for earthquakes. “I want to be remembered as a scientist, rather than just a communicator,” says Jones, “but a scientist who cared about the science getting used.”

The Women’s and Gender Studies program is hosting the annual “Women Take the Reel Film Festival” throughout March, reports Natalie Gale for “Each film or documentary is free and open to the public and focuses on women’s issues,” writes Gale.

Scientific American

MIT researchers have found that standard autism diagnostic tests could be “stymieing discovery of sex differences in autism,” reports Ingrid Wickelgren for Scientific American. “To qualify for the study, prospective participants had to take a standard activity-based assessment for autism to confirm their diagnosis,” says Wickelgren. “After testing, half of the 50 girls and women who would otherwise be eligible for the scientists’ study did not meet the test’s criteria for autism.”

Inside Higher Ed

Prof. Kerstin M. Perez writes for Inside Higher Ed about the challenges posed by balancing inclusive teaching with personal and professional endeavors. “I quickly realized that some tenets of inclusive and antiracist teaching advice can undercut the career trajectories, classroom respect and mental health of instructors who are minoritized in their fields—whether due to race, gender or some other nondominant cultural identity—if those tenets are not thoughtfully adapted to our distinct positions in the academy,” writes Perez.