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Interesting Engineering

MIT scientists have “observed and captured images of a rare ‘edge state’ in ultracold atoms,” reports Rupendra Brahambhatt for Interesting Engineering. “Using these findings, they can learn to achieve and harness the edge states of electrons in different materials,” notes Brahambhatt. “This breakthrough in the field of quantum physics could lead to the discovery of practically infinite energy sources.”


Gizmodo reporter Isaac Schultz writes that MIT scientists have captured images of heat moving through a superfluid, a phenomenon that “may explain how heat moves through certain rare materials on Earth and deep in space.”  Schultz notes that the researchers believe their examination of heat flow in a superfluid “can be used to determine heat flow in high-temperature superconductors, or even in neutron stars, the roiling, ultra-dense relics of ordinary stars.”

Popular Mechanics

For the first time, MIT physicists have successfully imaged how heat travels in a superfluid, known as a “second sound,” reports Darren Orf for Popular Mechanics. “While exotic superfluids may not fill up our lives (yet),” writes Orf, “understanding the properties of second wave movement could help questions regarding high-temperature superconductors (again, still at very low temperatures) or the messy physics that lie at the heart of neutron stars.”

Physics World

Physics World reporter Tim Wogan spotlights how MIT physicists have developed a new technique for measuring the temperature of “second sound,” the movement of heat through a superfluid. “The work could help model a variety of scientifically interesting and poorly understood systems, including high temperature superconductors and neutron stars,” Wogan explains.

New Scientist

New Scientist reporter Philip Ball spotlights Prof. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and his team for their work in superconductivity. “We should expect some surprises,” writes Ball. “Jarillo-Herrero’s initial discovery of superconductivity in these systems came completely out of the blue. And despite the progress made in the years since, he insists that ‘we have barely scratched the surface of the many hundreds of possible more systems we can build, with very different constituents, geometries and complexity.’”


Newsweek reporter Katherine Hignett writes that MIT and Harvard researchers have successfully manipulated individual atoms using lasers in one of the largest quantum computer simulations. Hignett writes that, “their technology could help make superfast quantum computers a working reality.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Alyssa Meyers writes that researchers from MIT and Harvard have demonstrated one of the largest quantum simulators that can trap individual atoms in laser beams. Prof. Vladan Vuletić explains that it is, “a major advance is to be able to align and arrange individual atoms so we can hold on to them and track them.”