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Elliot Schwartz ’89 PhD ’94 joins NPR’s Planet Money host Jeff Guo to discuss his work using data to help coaches and athletes make sense of the complicated judging systems used in many Olympic sports . “Seeing what happened to artistic swimming kind of makes you realize that the goal of these judging systems is not just about being objective. It's about motivating athletes to push the limits,” Guo says. 


Mashable spotlights how MIT’s baseball pitching coach is using motion capture technology to help analyze and teach pitching techniques. Using the technology, Coach Todd Carroll can “suggest real-time adjustments as a player is pitching so that just one session using the technology improves their game.”

Associated Press

Associated Press reporter Jimmy Golen writes about this year’s Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, highlighting the growing use of analytics in sports. “Over two days, college math majors rubbed elbows with team and tech executives looking for fresh ideas and talented minds to implement them,” writes Golen.


This year’s MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference will feature former U.S. President Barack Obama, report Eric Chemi and Jessica Golden for CNBC. A conference co-founder tells Chemi and Golden: “We’re so honored [Obama] wants to be part of this conference, which 12 years ago was just a few people in MIT classrooms.”


Patrick Rishe writes for Forbes about the first day of the 2015 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics conference, highlighting six of the panel sessions he attended. “My fourth foray at the event, the biggest challenge continues to be finding enough time to attend all the sessions,” Rishe writes.

Charlotte Wilder writes for about the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. “Spread over two days in February 2015, the conference features 25 different panel discussions, 8 research paper presentations, 14 talks by invited speakers, a startup competition, a trade show, and a data visualization room.”

The Guardian

Tom Fox-Brewster writes for The Guardian about how researchers are using big data to revolutionize sports. Fox-Brewster writes that MIT Professor Cynthia Rudin believes “Big Data analytics can help in various ways, from tweaking training plans to determining patterns about competitors.”