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Research Laboratory of Electronics

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New Scientist

MIT researchers have developed a new system that can spot moving objects hidden from view by corners, reports Douglas Heaven for New Scientist. “A lot of our work involves finding hidden signals you wouldn’t think would be there,” explains lead author and MIT graduate Katie Bouman. 


Wired reporter Matt Simon writes that MIT researchers have developed a new system that analyzes the light at the edges of walls to see around corners. Simon notes that the technology could be used to improve self-driving cars, autonomous wheelchairs, health care robots and more.  


Aaron Schrank reports for Marketplace that the textile industry is experiencing a revival as it creates more technologically advanced fabrics. Schrank highlights the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA) Institute, led by Prof. Yoel Fink, where researchers have developed programmable backpacks that should be able to “send you an email when they get lost."


This CNN video highlights the new programmable backpack unveiled during the grand opening of the AFFOA headquarters in Cambridge. MIT alumnus Tairan Wang, COO of AFFOA, explains that the backpack is made with a programmable fabric that allows users to share information. The technology addresses how people initially connect, Wang explains. 

Boston Herald

The launch of the AFFOA headquarters featured demos of two new smart fabrics, including a programmable backpack and fabric that uses LED lights to stream information to the wearer, writes Donna Goodison for the Boston Herald. Prof. Yoel Fink, AFFOA’s CEO, explains that, “the way to changing what fabrics are involves changing what fibers are.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Hiawatha Bray writes that at the launch of the AFFOA headquarters, researchers unveiled smart fabrics that can send messages, tune in audio signals and more. Bray writes that Prof. Yoel Fink, CEO of AFFOA, explained that “because the new fibers can process data like a computer…engineers will be able to develop an endless array of ways to use it.”


Zeninjor Enwemeka reports for WBUR on the opening of the Advanced Functional Fabrics of America (AFFOA) headquarters, during which the center’s first fabric products were unveiled. Enwemeka explains the, “big idea here is to develop fabrics that provide services. The folks at AFFOA think fabrics are the next software.”

Scientific American

Anne Pycha of Scientific American writes about three new methods that could be used to help detect Parkinson’s disease and enable early intervention. A new typing test developed by MIT researchers could be used to identify individuals with possible signs of Parkinson’s, “by analyzing key hold times (the time required to press and release a key).”

IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum reporter Dexter Johnson writes that MIT researchers have developed a technique for producing cheaper semiconductor wafers using graphene. The method could “make the use of exotic semiconductors more accessible to industries by preparing semiconductor thin films without the high cost of using bulk wafers.”

United Press International (UPI)

MIT researchers have developed a new technique to improve atom interferometers, which are used to measure gravity, reports Brooks Hays for UPI. The researchers “found a way to improve the precision of atom interferometers by augmenting the condensates.”

Fox News

Stephanie Mlot reports for FOX News that MIT researchers have developed a new portable system that can monitor energy usage, and could be useful for both residential and military applications. The system could “not only generate major savings in fuel or power,” Mlot writes, “but it may also safeguard soldiers responsible for base resupply.”

Boston Globe

MIT researchers have developed a new way to record the activities of human cells, reports Kevin Hartnett for The Boston Globe. “Most of the studies we do to understand diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s involve studying cells in a dish. We’re interested in understanding how cells function in their natural environments,” explains Prof. Timothy Lu. 

Boston Herald

Boston Herald reporter Lindsay Kalter writes that MIT researchers have developed a technique to record the history of human cells. “Much of our understanding of cancer is not reflective of what’s going on inside the patient,” explains Prof. Timothy Lu. “It’s only with tools like ours you can start testing those hypotheses.”


MIT researchers have developed a portable system that could produce biotech drugs on demand, reports Lisa Rapaport for Reuters. “The table-top machine has the potential to one day produce proteins to treat any number of a wide range of conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, and hemophilia,” writes Rapaport. 

Boston Magazine

A portable device developed by MIT researchers uses programmable yeast to create drugs on demand, reports Jamie Ducharme for Boston Magazine. The device “could be a lifesaver for doctors working in vulnerable conditions, such as the battlefield, a remote village, or even an ambulance,” writes Ducharme.