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NBC News

A program aiming to give kids a new strategy to learn reading is the goal of a new program developed by researchers from the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Florida State University, reports Kate Snow for NBC News. Currently serving 45,000 North Carolina third graders in 102 schools, Reach Every Reader is “weaving reading across subjects, like science and social studies,” rather than having just one class dedicated to reading, she says.

Chronicle of Higher Education

As part of the Chronicle of Higher Education’s special section on tech innovators, Jeffrey Young spotlights the work of Sanjay Sarma, vice president for open learning. Young writes that Sarma is transforming higher education “by pushing the lecture model into the margins and using technology to rethink the professor’s role.”


Vice President for Open Learning Sanjay Sarma speaks with Politico’s Cogan Schneier about MITili, a new initiative aimed at fostering education research. “A defining feature of [MIT] is that when you create a challenge, everyone attacks it in different ways,” explains Sarma. “The integrated approach seems to unleash a lot here.”

Inside Higher Ed

MIT has launched a number of new initiatives “to expand and research digital and online education for learners of all ages,” reports Inside Higher Ed