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Molly Reynolds writes for The Huffington Post about an MIT study that found the most successful teams contain a higher percentage of women. “Extremely interesting was the successful teams' ability to detect the emotion of their teammates' written words when they worked online.”


David Slocum of Forbes lists “The Second Machine Age” by Prof. Erik Brynjolfsson and Dr. Andrew McAfee as one of the best creative leadership books of the year. Brynjolfsson and McAfee, “explore the forces reinventing fields as diverse as medicine, retail, and transportation and having far-ranging implications for creative collaboration, business leadership and policy-making alike.”

Financial Times

Financial Times reporter Emma Boyde writes about MIT’s efforts in Haiti, highlighting a leadership workshop hosted by the Sloan School of Management for members of Haiti’s government. “We’ve done work with government officials elsewhere in the world,” says Prof. Deborah Ancona. “But this was somewhat revolutionary.”