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USA Today

A study by Prof. Kerry Emanuel finds that climate change will triple the likelihood of storms with 20 inches of rainfall hitting Texas, writes Doyle Rice for USA Today. Using computer models of past, present, and future storms, Emanuel “hurried the study to help Houston officials think about what conditions they should consider when they rebuild,” Rice explains.

New Scientist

New Scientist reporter Michael Le Page writes that a study co-authored by Prof. Kerry Emanuel finds that while in the future hurricanes may be more likely to miss New York City, the city could experience 15-metre storm surges. “The result is peculiar to New York City,” says Emanuel. “Almost everywhere else, including Boston, we see an increase in surge heights and storminess.”

USA Today

Francis O'Sullivan, director of research at the MIT Energy Initiative, speaks with Emre Kelly of USA Today about the value of microgrids in increasing resilience to natural disasters. O’Sullivan says that the Caribbean islands impacted by hurricanes Irma and Maria should “look to integrate today’s newer technologies and not simply rebuild the old system we had.” 

The Washington Post

Prof. Kerry Emanuel writes for The Washington Post about how climate change and U.S. disaster policies are threat-multipliers for natural disasters like hurricanes. “The confluence of rising sea levels and stronger and wetter hurricanes with increasing coastal population and unwise government interference in insurance markets portends ever increasing hurricane disasters."

PRI’s The World

On PRI's "The World," Francis O'Sullivan, director of research for MITEI, explains how microgrids can help make the electric grid more resilient against mass blackouts in future natural disasters like Hurricane Irma. 

Popular Science

Popular Science reporter Kendra Pierre-Louis writes about Prof. Kerry Emanuel’s research showing that climate change could make it harder to predict the intensity of hurricanes. “Storm intensity matters, because a weak storm might just mean staying home for the day, while a strong storm may require evacuation,” Pierre-Louis explains. 

PBS NewsHour

Prof. Kerry Emanuel speaks with Miles O’Brien of the PBS NewsHour about the link between climate change and an increase in extreme storm systems. “What all the models and theories seem to agree on, at least globally, at this point is that the frequency of the very high intensity, Category 3 or 4 or 4 events, should go up,” says Emanuel.


Wired reporter Eric Niiler writes that Prof. Kerry Emanuel has found that the probability of a storm like Hurricane Harvey hitting Texas has increased due to warmer waters in the Gulf of Mexico and the lack of high-level winds that normally push such storms out to sea or towards Oklahoma.  

The Washington Post

Prof. Kerry Emanuel speaks with Washington Post reporter Chris Mooney about how several factors related to climate change, such as sea levels and atmospheric moisture, can help intensify hurricanes like Harvey. 

The Washington Post

Prof. Kerry Emanuel speaks with Chris Mooney of The Washington Post about the formation of a rare tropical cyclone off the coast of Yemen. “While it is unusual for Arabian Sea TCs to affect Yemen, it is not unprecedented,” explains Emanuel.

Associated Press

Professor Kerry Emanuel speaks with Associated Press reporter Seth Borenstein about how Hurricane Patricia strengthened so rapidly. "I was really astounded," says Emanuel. "It was over the juiciest part of the eastern Pacific."

The Daily Beast

In an interview with Elisabeth Gawthrop of The Daily Beast, Prof. Kerry Emanuel weighs in on why tracking hurricanes is more difficult than predicting land-based weather. Emanuel explains that hurricanes and low-pressure systems over land “have completely different physics.” 

USA Today

According to a new study co-authored by Prof. Kerry Emanual, “cities such as Tampa and Dubai will become increasingly vulnerable to rare, global-warming-fueled superstorms in the future,” writes Doyle Rice for USA Today. The study found that warmer seawaters will increase the probability of major storms.

Scientific American

A new study by Prof. Kerry Emanuel found an increased probability of major storms over the coming century, writes Andrea Thompson for Scientific American. “The increase in odds of extreme storms found in the study stems both from a shift toward more intense hurricanes as well as an overall increase in hurricane frequency,” Thompson explains. 


New research by Prof. Kerry Emanuel shows that climate change is increasing the risk of tropical cyclones forming in the Persian Gulf, reports Alister Doyle for Reuters. The study also predicts that the frequency of extreme storms will increase in hurricane-prone areas.