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Drug delivery

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Boston Herald

Boston Herald reporter Lindsay Kalter writes that a team of MIT researchers has developed a new technique that can deliver medication to specific regions of the brain with extreme precision. “The whole idea here is that instead of treating the entire brain, you can treat small portions of the brain,” explains Prof. Michael Cima. 

Associated Press

AP reporter Lauran Neergaard writes that MIT researchers have developed a hair-thin implant that can deliver medications to specific regions of the brain. Neergaard writes that the device, “could mark a new approach to treating brain diseases — potentially reducing side effects by targeting only the hard-to-reach circuits that need care.”


STAT reporter Dominic Smith highlights how MIT researchers are applying the art of origami to developing a new way to deliver cancer medications. Prof. Michael Cima explains that, “the idea here was, is there a way we could do a minimally invasive procedure to deploy some sort of device that will deliver the drug over that entire course of the therapy?”


MIT researchers have developed a new capsule that allows HIV medication to be delivered over the course of a week, and could allow patients to forgo daily pills, reports Ed Cara for Gizmodo. Researchers also found that using this method for the pre-exposure pill, “would manifest in approximately a 20 per cent increase in efficacy” for weekly dosage compared to the daily regimen. 


HuffPost reporter Sophie Gallagher writes that MIT researchers have developed a new capsule that would allow patients to take a week’s worth of HIV medications in one dose. The researchers believe that, “the innovation could improve the efficacy of HIV preventative treatment by approximately 20%.”

BBC News

MIT researchers have developed a new slow-release capsule that could free HIV patients from having to take a daily dose of medication, according to the BBC. “Changing a medication so it only needs to be taken once a week rather than once a day should be more convenient and improve compliance,” explains research affiliate Giovanni Traverso.

United Press International (UPI)

UPI reporter Alan Mozes writes that MIT researchers have developed a new capsule that could be used to deliver a week’s worth of HIV medications in a single dose. “The new pill sits in the stomach for a full week, as each of seven pill compartments opens up, one-by-one, to deliver a 24-hour dose of three HAART drugs,” Mozes explains. 

CBS Boston

CBS Boston spotlights how Portal Instruments, an MIT startup, is bringing a needle-free injector to the market, which could change the way people take medicine. The device, “fires a pressurized spray to penetrate the skin, instead of piercing the skin with traditional needles.”


MIT researchers have developed a new technique to 3-D print genetically engineered bacteria into a variety of shapes and forms, reports Karen Hao for Quartz. The technique could eventually be used to develop such devices as, “an ingestible living robot that secretes the correct drug when it detects a tumor.”

Boston Globe

In a Boston Globe Magazine article about bioelectronic medicine, writer Jessie Scanlon highlights research by Profs. Ed Boyden and Daniela Rus. Boyden notes that by creating light-sensitive molecules, which can be switched on and off and inserted into neurons, “groups in academia and industry are using the tool to discover patterns of neural activity.”


MIT engineers have developed a method to 3-D print living cells into tattoos and 3-D structures, reports Danny Paez for Inverse. Paez explains that the researchers believe the technique, “could possibly be used to create a ‘living computer,’ or a structure made up of living cells that can do the stuff your laptop can.”

Co.Design reporter Katharine Schwab writes that MIT researchers have developed a tattoo made of living cells that activate when exposed to different kinds of stimuli. Schwab explains that in the future the tattoos could be designed, “so that they respond to environmental pollutants or changes in temperature.”

The Wall Street Journal

In an article published by The Wall Street Journal about the future of programmable materials, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith highlight Prof. Daniela Rus’ work developing “origami bots that can shape themselves into tools to perform medical procedures or deliver drugs inside the body.”

BBC News

BBC News reporter James Gallagher writes that MIT researchers have developed a new technology that could eventually enable doctors to administer multiple vaccines in one shot. 


Guardian reporter Nicola Davis writes that MIT researchers have developed a new approach that could be used to deliver multiple vaccines in one injection. Davis explains that the technique could prove useful in developing countries, “potentially allowing all childhood vaccines and their boosters to be given in one shot.”