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The Boston Globe

The MIT Museum and MIT List Visual Arts Center were two of 18 Boston-area museums that participated in this year’s #BostonInstaSwap. Each museum sent an employee to another local institution where they were “tasked with snapping and sharing pictures from the scene, highlighting exhibits and giving their followers a different experience,” writes Steve Annear for The Boston Globe.

Boston Globe

In an editorial about online learning, The Boston Globe highlights a recent digital learning conference held at MIT, during which, “experts convincingly portrayed innovative online offerings as a key tool for helping those of modest means move up the economic ladder.”


WGBH News reports that Massachusetts residents will soon have the opportunity to take online courses through edX. General Electric, Microsoft and Partners Healthcare, “will pay for thousands of Massachusetts residents to take online courses in artificial intelligence, health care management and other in-demand fields.”

Boston 25 News

Boston 25 News reports that MIT researchers are working with the Boston Public Schools to create a plan to change the start time for the 125 city-run schools. One problem the new schedule aims to fix is K-8 students who are “out during the height of the afternoon rush, and often walk home in the dark.”

CBS Boston

As part of HUBweek, more than two dozen robots were publicly displayed at City Hall Plaza reports Kim Tunnicliffe for CBS Boston. The “robot block party” featured an autonomous vehicle petting zoo, which included “self-driving vehicles created by nuTonomy, Optimus Ride, Delphi and a collaboration between Toyota and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”

Boston Globe

Writing for The Boston Globe, MIT graduate student Matthew Claudel argues that innovation efforts should be focused on being more socially inclusive. “Municipalities that foster accessible innovation for livelihoods will reap the benefits of greater livability. It is those places, rather than techno-hubs that prize quick, marketable lifestyle amenities, that will emerge as the smartest cities of the future.”

CBS Boston

CBS Boston’s Paula Ebben reports on MIT’s Innovation Playground, a space created for HUBweek to showcase the science, art and technological breakthroughs happening in Kendall Square. “We want people to go away and say, yup, that’s what’s going on in Kendall Square,” says Sarah Gallop of MIT’s Office of Government and Community Relations.


The Engine has raised $200 million and financed its first seven companies “in fields such as aerospace, advanced materials, genetic engineering and renewable energy,” reports Michael McDonald of Bloomberg


Asma Khalid of WBUR reports that The Engine has raised $200 million and funded its first seven “tough tech” companies. "We have to believe it's a breakthrough [idea] that can have big impact in the world," says Katie Rae, president and CEO of The Engine, of the selected companies.  

The Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Andy Rosen writes that The Engine has raised $200 million to invest in “tough tech” companies. “The interest from private investors reflects a recognition that the venture capital world must find better ways to evaluate the technical promise of emerging technologies, and give them time to succeed,” notes Katie Rae, CEO of The Engine. 


The Engine has announced its initial investments in seven startups ranging from alternative energy to space communications, reports Alex Konrad of Forbes. “By helping research teams productize their ideas early, at the pre-seed and seed stages of investment,” The Engine hopes to keep talented students and professors in the Boston area, explains Konrad. 

Associated Press

IBM is joining forces with MIT to establish a new lab dedicated to fundamental AI research, reports the AP. The new lab will focus on, “advancing the hardware, software and algorithms used for artificial intelligence. It also will tackle some of the economic and ethical implications of intelligent machines and look at its commercial application.”


IBM has invested $240 million to develop a new AI research lab with MIT, reports Jing Cao for Bloomberg News. “The MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab will fund projects in four broad areas, including creating better hardware to handle complex computations and figuring out applications of AI in specific industries,” Cao explains. 


CNBC reporter Jordan Novet writes that MIT and IBM have established a new lab to pursue fundamental AI research. Novet notes that MIT, “was home to one of the first AI labs and continues to be well regarded as a place to do work in the sector.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Andy Rosen writes that MIT and IBM have established a new AI research lab.  “It’s amazing that we have a company that’s also interested in the fundamental research,” explains Anantha Chandrakasan, dean of the School of Engineering. “That’s very basic research that may not be in a product next year, but provides very important insights.”