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A new study by researchers from MIT and elsewhere has found that “most drivers are likely to multitask and get distracted if their vehicles are equipped with partial automation software,” reports William Gavin for Quartz. The researchers “studied how drivers with cars that have the technology behaved after it was enabled,” explains Gavin.


Writing for Forbes, Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, explores how many envision retirement as a long vacation, but notes setting realistic expectations is important to avoid surprises. “Instead, longevity planning is about preparing for what, how, where, and with whom to live in older age," Coughlin writes. "We're talking about crafting a plan to produce your best possible life in older age, not just planning and financing a really long summer vacation." 

The Atlantic

Joesph Coughlin, director of the AgeLab, speaks with Atlantic reporter Charley Locke about how retirement can result in feelings of identity loss and can present cognitive and emotional health challenges. “When people are at the center of their universe through their job, we don’t have a storyline or a place in our society that is attractive enough to say, ‘Maybe I’ve had enough,’” says Coughlin. “You’re showing people the door with no direction.” 


Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, speaks with Forbes’ Jann Freed about the importance of social connections in retirement. We focus on money and financial security, but we should also be considering “the social capital (friends) we will need to remain connected, engaged, to have fun, and to manage the many challenges older age will bring,” says Coughlin.


 Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, speaks with PRX’s On Shifting Ground podcast host Ray Suarez about the potential impacts of greater life expectancy. “You are going to see a lot more technology in old age,” says Coughlin. “Not simply to remind you to take your meds or take your blood pressure, but actually to enable you to stay in your home longer, to bring information to you, to make things more convenient.”

The Boston Globe

In a cartoon for The Boston Globe, Sage Stossel spotlights how during the Cambridge Science Festival researchers from the MIT AgeLab spoke about their work during a special presentation at the Cambridge Senior Center. As part of an effort to spur innovations aimed at improving the quality of life for people in their later years, AgeLab researchers have “pursued an array of projects, from researching safer, more automated driving systems to collaborating on ‘smart home’ innovations for facilitating aging in place to the development of interactive robo-pets.”

The New York Times

MIT AgeLab Director Joseph Coughlin speaks with New York Times opinion columnist Farhad Manjoo about why the tech industry tends to ignore older people. “The market is aging,” says Coughlin. “The market is numerous. The market has got more money than the people they have been building products for.”

The Ojo-Yoshida Report

Research scientist Bryan Reimer speaks with The Ojo-Yoshida Report host Junko Yoshida about the future of the autonomous vehicle industry. “We cannot let the finances drive here,” explains Reimer. “We need to manage the finances to let society win over the long haul.”


Researchers from the MIT AgeLab and Transamerica have found that individuals ages 40 to 59 are more likely to struggle with preparing for increased longevity, reports Lorie Konish for CNBC. “The research finds while 74% of people in their 50s say it is extremely or very important to save enough money to eventually stop working, just 57% said they expect to be able to retire,” writes Konish. “Moreover, half of people in midlife are struggling to get by financially, more than other age groups studied.”


Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, speaks with CNBC reporter Greg Iacurci about the importance of longevity planning, which entails creating a more complete framework for retirement that includes aspects such as transportation, social life and small tasks that could become difficult in old age. “Leisure is a story we wrote for retirement when it was short,” said Coughlin.” “Life is the new story we need to write when it becomes so much longer.”


Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, writes for Forbes about how a person’s zip code can impact their retirement planning. “Most of us think where we’ll live in retirement is answered by where we live now,” writes Coughlin. “That is, we choose to age in place and stay put. However, as we age, our needs, desires, health conditions, social connections, and more will change. This can often create a disconnect between what works now and what will work later on.”


Writing for MarketWatch, Joseph Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, discusses the importance of ensuring that retirees have access to quality healthcare. “Given demographic shifts in the medical profession as well as healthcare-industry restructuring, understanding where, and from whom, you will be accessing quality personal care that fits your unique health conditions, just when you most need it most, must now be part of an overall longevity plan that extends well beyond money,” writes Coughlin.

The Ojo-Yoshida Report

Research scientist Bryan Reimer co-authored a real-world study on human driving behavior, reports Junko Yoshida for The Ojo-Yoshida Report.  The study “provides a window on actual driver behavior associated with system-initiated transitions of control under real-world, naturalistic driving conditions,” says Reimer.


MIT AgeLab director Joseph Coughlin writes for Forbes that Tom Brady’s second retirement from the NFL demonstrates how those planning for retirement “need to plan for longevity, not the one-and-done retirement we think of today.” Coughlin adds: “Planning for your retirement years means identifying the many different retirements you may have in what has been incorrectly defined as a single life stage and experience. Maybe it will be a traditional retirement, but maybe it won’t.” reporter Melissa Ellin spotlights the MIT AgeLab’s Age Gain Now Empathy System (AGNES), “a suit that allows wearers to feel what it is like to be 80 years old with some chronic health conditions,” writes Ellin. The suit was recently featured in “Limitless with Chris Hemsworth,” a docuseries highlighting scientific research and insight into the human body.