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Scene at MIT: Reflections on Stata

A unique reflection of MIT's Building 32, the Ray and Maria Stata Center
A unique reflection of MIT's Building 32, the Ray and Maria Stata Center
Photo: Joshua Sariñana

"I always have at least one camera with me at all times, and now that I have a toddler most of my images are made between work and home. Because I work across the street from the Stata Center — which contains the Computer Science and Artificial Laboratory (CSAIL) and Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, among other things — I come across the building several times a day. It’s an easy building to shoot in that it lends itself to photography, and I’m constantly bumping into people taking a photo of it. However, it’s difficult to make a unique image of the building that stands out from the plethora of photos online.

"Earlier this year I came to campus just after it had finished raining, and as I was crossing the North Court I saw an angle of the building that I’ve never seen before. In the image, CSAIL peaks through and reflects off of a small pool of water gathering on a path that cuts through the North Court. Although you cannot see it in this image, the social paths of North Court create a spatial network that intersects across the grass and serves as a small hub for the Institute and Kendall Square. The reflection of CSAIL is an appropriate metaphor for this part of campus."

—Joshua Sariñana PhD '11, photographer and communications administrator at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory

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